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Natural Bamboo Slimming New Model

Natural bamboo slimming suit Merupakan Produk Direct TV selling yang terlaris di Taiwan dan beberapa negara asia yang terbuat dari SERAT BAMBU ALAMI Berupa pakaian dalam anti bakteri sekaligus di rancang secara khusus oleh ahli kecantikan dan ahli anatomi tubuh untuk membentuk tubuh langsing ideal. Natural Bamboo generai ke-2 merupakan penyempurnaan dari Natural bamboo generasi sebelumnya, dengan bahan yang lebih halus. Anda akan melihat perubahan tubuh anda secara instan, badan yang lebih ramping dan postur tubuh yang lebih baik.

- Baju hanya sampai pas bawah dada yang berfungsi mengangkat dada ke atas
- Bagian selangkangan bolong sehingga baju tidak perlu di lepas setiap kali buang air

Rahasia Natural bamboo slimming suit ialah terletak pada bahan serat bambunya:
- Serat bambu memiliki ciri anti bakteri dan sanggup untuk menghilangkan hingga 75% bakteri yang ada pada badan
- Serat bambu mengandung konsentrasi ion negatif yang sangat tinggi, yakni hingga 6000 ion/cc, sehingga akan membuat badan terasa lebih sehat dan segar
- Serat bambu memiliki kemampuan menyerap air yang sangat baik, sehingga badan terjaga kelembabannya
- Serat bambu juga sangat baik dalam menyerap bau-bau yang tidak sedap seperti benzene, toluene, amonia dan zat racun, bau dan berbahaya lainnya
- Serat bambu secara alami memancarkan cahaya inframerah jauh yang sangat tinggi dibanding dengan banyak material lainnya, ini merupakan rahasia natural bamboo slimming suit dalam merampingkan badan

Catatan : Kami telah mengganti packaging asli yang berupa kaleng dengan plastik khusus dan brosur untuk kemudahan pengiriman tanpa mengubah kualitas pakaian sama sekali

Penjelasan dalam bahasa inggris:

Bamboo Charcoal-the Black Diamond

Bamboo charcoal is from bamboos smoked, dried and charred in more than 700-800 degree of heat. Bamboo charcoal has been promoted for more than decade in Japan. Its absorption ability is 5 times that of bincho charcoal and it contains 3 times more minerals that bincho charcoal does. Bamboo charcoal is popular in Japan and is nick-named "black diamond". bamboo charchoal must be made from over 4-year-old bamboos charred for several 10 days. Bamboo charchoal is high in specific gravity and its specific surface area is 3 times larger than that of wood coal. It has strong absorption ability and can insulate heat and electromagnetic waves. It is able to increase anions favorable to health. It is widely adopted in industry, agriculture, electronics, medical industry, food processing, environmental protection, textiles and so on.

Beneficial to Health

Bamboo charcoal has 3 major features:
1.Strong absorption: It removes odor and purifies substances.
2.Powerful filtration: It kills bacteria, remove toxic substances, impurities and moisture.
3.It contains over 300 mineral trace elements needed by human body, benefiting human health greatly.

Bamboo charcoal yarn

Bamboo charcoal yarn is made from nano-sized bamboo charcoal mixed with polyester and then spun with special techniques. Bamboo charcoal has dense structure and contains numerous pores and minerals. It is excellent in removing odor, moisture and bacteria. In addition, the far infrared rays and anions it releases are favorable for maintaining warmth and boosting metabolism.

1.Removes Odor
Bamboo Charcoal yarn removes odor by absorbing and dissolving bad smells such as body odor and sweat. It eliminates 88-95% of odor and can also absorbs toxic chemicals such as sulfide, nitride, methanol, benzene, phenol.

2.Pulls Sweat Away, Keeps Skin Dry and Comfortable
Bamboo charcoal is excellent material for removing moisture. Clothes made of bamboo charcoal yarn help pull sweat away and keep your body dry, so you are not prone to cold when blown by the wind.

3.Adjusts Humidity
When the humidity in space becomes high, bamboo charcoal absorbs water molecules; on the other hand, it releases water molecules when it is too dry. It adjusts humidity in accordance with the external conditions.

4.Maintains warmth
Experiments show after exposed to 500 watt halogen light for 10 minutes, temperature of bamboo charcoal knitting is as high as 8.89 ¢J, which is 6.79 degree higher than that of PET knitting.

5.Contains Abundant Trace Elements
Bamboo charcoal is rich in calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, etc. Its hexangular structure is dense and has numerous pores to decrease static electricity.

Caution and Notes:
Hand wash with neural detergent
Twist gentlely after washing and let it dry at cool place
No bleaching
No machine washing or tumble drying
Hand wash only to avoid deform

Harga : 115 rb